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Результати 2981-2990 зі 3108.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2016Intelligent systems for personal equipment monitoringKurganska, M. M.; Kurhanskyi, A. V.; Ermolenko, Inna
2023Chinese traditional patterns and totem culture in modern clothing designGao, Xia; Yezhova, Olga
8-лис-2020Demand and Learning Environment to Provide English-Language Learning at Technical Universities in UkraineKonovalenko, Yurij V.; Garkavenko, S. S.; Derkach, Tetiana M.; Morgulets, Oksana
2017Analysis of CFD simulation opportunities for determination of knitwear qualitative characteristicsBezsmertna, Victoria; Ielina, Tetiana; Halavska, Liudmyla
2023Design of tourism souvenir based on intangible cultural heritage: Chinese theater arts casesGao, Honghe; Yezhova, Olga
2017Features research of knit for manufacturing fencing suitsBeskin, Nataliia; Halavska, Liudmyla
2018Development technology of production biocidal and deodorizing agent from plant raw materialTarasenko, Hanna; Garkavenko, S. S.; Borschevska, N.; Nyschyshyn, M.; Popova, Mariia
2016Дослідження об’ємно-просторової форми одягу в системі "Манекен-Одяг"Кільніцька, Л. О.; Журавльова, Т.; Пашкевич, К. Л.
2021Artistic and graphic design of advertisements of the late XIX – early XX century (based on the materials of the Kyiv Calendars)Krotova, T. F.; Osadcha, A. M.; Struminska, Tetiana; Ryabinova, I. M.
лис-2019Peculiarities of teaching the subject "Methodology of modern scientific researches with the basics of intellectual property in training designers"Kolosnichenko, M. V.; Struminska, Tetiana; Prykhodko-Kononenko, I. A.