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dc.contributor.authorDerkach, Tetiana M.-
dc.contributor.authorKolodyazhna, Alla-
dc.contributor.authorShuhailo, Yana V.-
dc.identifier.citationDerkach T. M. Psychological factors motivating the choice of university entrants [Електронний ресурс] / T. M. Derkach, A. Kolodyazhna, Ya. V. Shuhailo // SHS Web of Conferences, Volume 104, 02001 (2021), Second International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning (ICHTML 2021), Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 12-14, 2021 (V. Hamaniuk, S. Semerikov and Y. Shramko (Eds.). – P. 1-9. – Режим доступу: https://www.shs-conferences.org/articles/shsconf/abs/2021/15/shsconf_ichtml2021_02001/shsconf_ichtml2021_02001.htmluk
dc.description.abstractThe article focuses on the study of factors influencing the choice of a university by entrants. The behaviour of first-year students is mainly affected by external factors or factors not related to the choice of professional educational trajectory. An individual choice takes into account the limitations imposed by the size of family capital, abilities and other characteristics of the applicant, institutional factors (development of infrastructure, etc.). These restrictions affect not only the choice of future profession but also a particular university, which largely determines the education quality. The most popular sources to receive information about universities are the official websites. The analysis of entrants' answers can become the basis for the development of PR and advertising programs of universities. They will also be useful for optimising the content of the website. The quality of the university presentation is one of the most critical factors that operate in the independent search for a university without pre-established benefits. Advertising campaigns should be dominated by motives that promote a particular choice: the overall image of the university, the professionalism of teachers, a clear definition of the real possibilities for further work in the speciality.uk
dc.subjectpsychological factors motivatinguk
dc.subjecthigher educationuk
dc.subjectuniversity entrantsuk
dc.titlePsychological factors motivating the choice of university entrantsuk
dc.title.alternativeПсихологічні фактори, що мотивують вибір абітурієнтівuk
local.contributor.altauthorДеркач, Тетяна Михайлівна-
local.contributor.altauthorКолодяжна, Алла Володимирівна-
local.contributor.altauthorШугайло, Яна Володимирівна-
local.subject.sectionСоціально-гуманітарні наукиuk
local.subject.facultyФакультет індустрії модиuk
local.subject.departmentКафедра професійної освіти в сфері технологій та дизайнуuk
local.conference.locationKryvyi Rih, Ukraineuk
local.conference.nameSecond International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning (ICHTML 2021)uk
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра професійної освіти в сфері технологій та дизайну (ПОСТД)
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