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Назва: Synaesthesia as an implementation of sensory impact strategy in English-language advertising: psycholinguistic aspect
Автори: Gudkova, Nataliia
Dvorianchykova, Svitlana
Isakova, Yelizaveta
Yuhan, Nataliia
Ключові слова: verbal synaesthesia
sensory impact strategy
beauty product advertising
psychology of a consumer
Дата публікації: 2024
Бібліографічний опис: Gudkova N. Synaesthesia as an implementation of sensory impact strategy in English-language advertising: psycholinguistic aspect / N. Gudkova, S. Dvorianchykova, Ye. Isakova, N. Yuhan // Conhecimento & Diversidade. – 2024. – Volume 16, Number 44. – Р. 638–662.
Source: Conhecimento & Diversidade
Короткий огляд (реферат): This research explores synaesthesia as a sensory impact strategy in advertising discourse, focusing on beauty product advertisements and their use of binomial and polynomial synesthetic associations based on human sensory modalities. It examines advertising as a psycholinguistic influence strategy, highlighting its role in altering consumer consciousness and triggering decision-making processes. A systematic review of psycholinguistic, socio-philosophical, cultural, and psychological literature was conducted, alongside content, component, cognitive, and descriptive analyses, supplemented by observation and classification methods. The analysis identifies numerous synesthetic associations in beauty product advertisements, where two or more sensory modalities interact. These associations often involve cross-modal perception engaging all five senses simultaneously, with smell being the dominant primary sense encoded verbally. Instead of emphasizing the product's utilitarian qualities, the advertisements aim to evoke emotions and sensory experiences associated with the product, appealing to consumers’ feelings rather than rational evaluation. The study reveals that sensuality and the prioritization of emotional over rational appeal are central to advertising strategies, particularly in beauty product promotion. By employing synesthetic associations, advertisements create an immersive experience, extending the boundaries of human perception. This approach enables advertisers to figuratively represent the advertised object, stimulating emotions and sensations intended to align with the product's essence. The findings emphasize synaesthesia as a critical method for influencing consumer behavior, demonstrating its capacity to create deeper emotional connections and enhance the impact of advertising texts. The research provides valuable insights into the sensory strategies used in advertising to shape consumer preferences and choices.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18316/rcd.v16i44.12364
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://er.knutd.edu.ua/handle/123456789/28610
Faculty: Інститут права та сучасних технологій
Department: Кафедра філології та перекладу (ФП)
ISSN: 2237-8049
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації (статті)

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