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dc.contributor.authorKyrylko, N. M.-
dc.contributor.authorDmytrenko, Іnna-
dc.identifier.citationKyrylko N. M. Providing the state regulation of exhibition and fair activity in Ukraine / N. M. Kyrylko, I. Dmytrenko // European journal of economics and management. – 2017. – Svazek 3, 4. vydání. – Praha 4 - Nusle : Berostav Družstvo, 2017. – pp. 71-78.uk
dc.description.abstractThe article aims to highlight the nature and meaning of state regulation of exhibition and fair activities. The theoretical and methodological basis of research is the scientific work of scientists on the management of exhibition and fair activities in the regions and the country as a whole. The very important in the management of exhibition and fair activities is using application of regulations in this area. Proved that state regulation influences the development and management of exhibition and fair activity. There was analyzed the presence of the legal framework for the management of exhibition and fair activities in various countries, including Ukraine. There was a determined imperfect regulation on state regulation of exhibition and fair activities. There was analyzed normative and legal support of European and other countries of the world. There were processed the main statistical indicators of exhibition and fair activities which State Statistical Service of Ukraine did till 2014. There was defined that since 2015 the collection of statistical information on exhibition and fair activities in Ukraine is not conducted. There was substantiated essence of "state regulation of exhibition and fair activity" and the feasibility of its application to industry. It was recommended for improving legal security exhibition and fair activities to provide an opportunity to improve business activity in the above area. Scientific originality is to determine the theoretical positions regarding state regulation of exhibition and fair activities in Ukraine. The recommendations on the use of common criteria for organizing and holding exhibitions are worked out. There were obtained the results of research aimed at solving the problem concerning the improvement of the legal framework in the process of state regulation of exhibition and fair activities. The need to accelerate the adoption of the law "On the exhibitions in Ukraine" will have a positive impact on the development of exhibition and fair activities.uk
dc.subjectexhibition activity in Ukraineuk
dc.subjectthe subjects of exhibitionsuk
dc.subjectthe organizers of the exhibitionsuk
dc.subjectthe regulatory framework in the sphere of exhibition activityuk
dc.subjectstate regulationuk
dc.titleProviding the state regulation of exhibition and fair activity in Ukraineuk
local.subject.sectionЕкономіка, фінанси, менеджментuk
local.sourceEuropean journal of economics and managementuk
local.sourceEvropský časopis ekonomiky a managementuuk
local.sourceЄвропейський журнал економіки та менеджментуuk
local.subject.facultyФакультет економіки та бізнесуuk
local.identifier.sourceЗарубіжні виданняuk
local.subject.departmentКафедра менеджменту та публічного адмініструванняuk
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