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dc.contributor.authorNifatova, O.en
dc.identifier.citationNifatova O. SInergetic and complex effects of branding of integrated business structures and problems of management = Синергетичні та комплексні ефекти брендінгу інтегрованих бізнес-структур та проблем управління [Текст] / O. Nifatova // Менеджмент. - 2017. - Вип. 25. - C. 26-37.uk
dc.description.abstractThe main strategic goals of the integration of business structures is the formation of the values of the business unit, which is realized through the growth and capitalization of intangible assets, a special place among which is the brand. In the process of integration interaction there are effects of synergy and complementarity, which are caused by the principles of uncertainty, unpredictability and unbalance. Branding, acting as an integral part of the integrated structure and the potential for complementary and synergistic effects, requires a scientific substantiation of the methodological foundations in the approaches to disclosing the essence of the effects of the merger as a whole. The lack of fundamental and applied research on the sources of synergy in the process of branding in the integrated business structures system leads to a reassessment of the motives and cost of merger transactions. The purpose of this article is to reveal the nature of the origin of the components of the overall effect of the merger of brands, in particular, the main ones: the effect of complementarity and synergy effect. During preparing of the article, methods of scientific synthesis, synthesis, method of formalization and a systematic approach were used. The article is devoted to the scientific substantiation of the methodological foundations in the approaches to disclosing the essence of synergistic and complementary effects that arise in the process of brand integration in the system of integrated business structures. The basis for choosing a strategy for integrating business-style brands after mergers or acquisitions as an open and non-equilibrium system is the assessment of the integration phase, in which all brands of the integrated business structure are located. Such an estimation will allow using both qualitative and quantitative indicators of integration in statics and dynamics, allowing to take into account the correlation between the types of complementary and synergistic effects depending on the types of structure of the integrated brand.en
dc.subjectintegrated business structureen
dc.subjectcomplementary effecten
dc.subjectsynergistic effecten
dc.titleSInergetic and complex effects of branding of integrated business structures and problems of managementen
local.contributor.altauthorНіфатова, О.uk
local.source.numberВип. 25uk
local.subject.facultyФакультет економіки та бізнесуuk
local.subject.departmentКафедра підприємництва та бізнесуuk
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові публікації (статті)
Кафедра підприємництва та бізнесу (ПБ)

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