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Title: Elastic warp knitted fabric for rehabilitation goods
Other Titles: Elastična pletenina kao rehabilitaciono sredstvo
Authors: Melnyk, Liudmyla
Kyzymchuk, Olena
Kopyshta, Daria
Kogut, Olena
Keywords: warp knitted fabric
elastomeric thread
rehabilitation good
osnove pletene tkanine
elastomerni konac
rehabilitaciono sredstvo
Issue Date: Sep-2021
Publisher: Savez inženjera i tehničara tekstilaca Srbije
Citation: Elastic warp knitted fabric for rehabilitation goods / L. Melnyk, O. Kyzymchuk, D. Kopyshta, O. Kogut // IV Međunarodna konferencija "Savremeni trendovi i inovacije u tekstilnoj industriji - ST&ITI 2021" = IV International Conference "Contemporary trends and innovations in textile industry - CT&ITI 2021", Beograd, Srbija, 16-17 septembar 2021. – Beograd, Srbija : Savez inženjera i tehničara tekstilaca Srbije, 2021. – P. 472-476.
Abstract: At the current stage of the textile industry, the development of medical and prophylactic goods is one of the most actual and pressing tasks. Such products as compression garments have a constant and steady demand because they prevent ailments and normalize people's life and activity. A distinctive feature of these products is their manufacture from elastic knitted fabrics, which allows reducing the number of seams and ensure a reliable fit to the body. In this regard, the few variants of warp knitted fabrics with elastomeric threads were produced and tested. The elastomeric threads are introduced into the knitted structure with pre-tension, which provides the necessary stretching of the fabrics. At the same time, after the removal of tensile forces, the elastomeric threads restore their original dimensions and change the ground structure. The research on elastic warp-knitted fabrics was carried out and the influence of knitting parameters on the properties of elastic knitwear was established within this work.
U sadašnjoj fazi tekstilne industrije, razvoj medicinskih i profilaktičkih proizvoda jedan je od najaktuelnijih i najhitnijih zadataka. Takvi proizvodi kao kompresijska odeća imaju stalnu i stalnu potražnju jer sprečavaju tegobe i normalizuju život i aktivnosti ljudi. Posebnost ovih proizvoda je njihova izrada od elastičnih pletenih tkanina, što omogućava smanjenje broja šavova i osigurava pouzdano prianjanje uz tijelo. S tim u vezi, proizvedeno je i testirano nekoliko varijanti osnove pletenih tkanina sa elastomernim nitima. Elastomerni navoji se u pletenu strukturu unose uz prednaprezanje, što obezbeđuje potrebno rastezanje tkanina. Istovremeno, nakon uklanjanja vlačnih sila, elastomerni navoji vraćaju svoje prvobitne dimenzije i menjaju strukturu tla. U ovom radu je sprovedeno istraživanje elastičnih pletenina i utvrđen uticaj parametara pletenja na svojstva elastične trikotaže.
Faculty: Факультет індустрії моди
Department: Кафедра технології та дизайну текстильних матеріалів
Appears in Collections:Матеріали наукових конференцій та семінарів
Кафедра технології моди (ТМ)

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