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Title: Digital transformation of enterprises under the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war
Authors: Kyrylko, N. M.
Keywords: digitalization
military sphere
pharmaceutical sphere
cloud technologies
Issue Date: May-2024
Publisher: ТОВ "УКРЛОГОС Груп"
Citation: Kyrylko N. M. Digital transformation of enterprises under the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war / N. M. Kyrylko // Стратегічні напрямки розвитку науки: фактори впливу та взаємодії : збірник наукових праць за матеріалами IV Міжнародної наукової конференції, м. Харків, 10 травня 2024 року. – Вінниця : ТОВ "УКРЛОГОС Груп", 2024. – С. 38-41.
Abstract: The article examines the issue of digital transformation of enterprises in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war. An analysis of the works of foreign and domestic scientists regarding the concept of digitization and digitization was carried out. The main directions of the transition of the industrial, pharmaceutical and military spheres to advanced technologies – digitization in today's modern realities – are highlighted. The process of implementation of digital business models to the existing classical one has been identified. In the conditions of an unfavorable competitive environment, to ensure the sustainable development of the enterprise and the organization of various spheres of activity, which use advanced digital technologies, implement creative and innovative solutions, have greater adaptive capacity to today's challenges. It was found that the active use of digital platforms will accelerate the development of the industry, pharmaceutical and military spheres of our country. The relevance of the impact of digitalization as a whole on the growth and stability of industrial, military, pharmaceutical and other spheres of activity in the war and post-war period is proven.
DOI: 10.62731/mcnd-10.05.2024.001
Faculty: Факультет управління та бізнес-дизайну
Department: Кафедра управління та смарт-інновацій
Appears in Collections:Кафедра управління та смарт-інновацій (УСІ)
Матеріали наукових конференцій та семінарів

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